Make money on Up work
What is Upwork ?
A business or individual can reach out to talents in various fields with a task, or, alternatively, post the job publicly and receive offers from said talents. As a talent, you’ll need to create an attractive profile and fill it with your skills, accolades, and previous work to showcase what jobs you’re suitable for and entice customers to select your services. Then just do the job, get paid, and move on to the next client.
How do you get paid?
Upwork commission fees:
Upwork does take a cut from all payments that are made on their platform. The Upwork commission fees range from 5-20% and if you’re wondering specifically how much does Upwork charge, all you need to do is consult this table:
How much you bill the client (total) Upwork
commission$<500 20%
$500.01 – $10,000 10%