What is network marketing? Earn with network marketing

 What is network marketing? Earn with network marketing

What is network marketing in Pakistan, Network marketing with example, How does network marketing work, How to earn with network marketing.

Network marketing is a business that grow the any company with the network. Simply speaking, Network marketing is a business concept that relies on independent agents selling to other people, generally from their homes. You may need to develop a network of business partners or salespeople to help you generate leads and close sales if you start a network marketing firm. 

Many types of network marketing:

1: Single tier network marketing

2: Two tier network marketing

3: Multi tier network marketing

Network marketing is a direct selling business model in which salespeople work independently promoting products or services. The salespeople or agents work independently. Whoever recruited them encourages them to recruit and train more agents. They then encourage the agents they recruited to do the same, and so on. commission is earned on the agent’s own sales revenue, as well as on the sales revenue of the sales-force recruited by the agent and his or her recruits. 

What is network marketing?

Selling goods or services directly to consumers are called Direct selling. You cannot usually find direct-sales products in shops, supermarkets, or department stores. The only way to buy them is by contacting an agent directly. A network marketing model is a legal business which sells products or services. 

How Network Marketing Works:

Comines that follow the network marketing to grow their companies. Companies that follow the network marketing model often create tiers of salespeople—that is, salespeople are encouraged to recruit their own networks of salespeople.

Earning commission:

In a network marketing business model, agents earn commission on their own sales and also all sales of the agents under them. The agents under them are those they recruited and trained, plus all the agents under the ones those people recruited, and so on.

We refer to the agents that are under somebody as that person’s down line members.

Let’s suppose Sally is an agent who recruited and trained ten new agents. They recruited ten each, and those new agents also recruited ten each. Sally would have 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 people selling under her, i.e., 1,000 down line members. Therefore, she would earn commission from her own sales plus the sales of 1,000 agents.

In a network marketing set up, the more agents you have under you, the more you earn. Many individuals have become multimillionaires working in network marketing companies.

Is Network Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?

While network and multi-level marketing programs have been accused of being pyramid schemes, there are some important differences. While those who are able to recruit more members into the program are often able to enjoy greater residual commissions, network marketing is a legitimate and legal business structure that offers real products and services sold to customers.

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